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Visa for research stay
Visa for research stay (Section 18d Residence Act)
Researchers are third-country nationals who
- have a doctoral degree or a university degree that allows access to doctorate programms and
- have been selected by a research institute and are allowed in the national territory of a member state in order to engage in research for which a qualification is required.
Note: This includes doctorate students unless they are enrolled at a German university to complete a full-time study programme leading to a doctoral degree as their primary activity.
If you are taking part in a full-time study program, please read the information sheet Visa for Doctorate Students.
Proof of adequate financial means Financing
To stay in Germany the applicant must have at least 947 Euro per month (in 2021) at theier disposal if they are not entering into a contract of employment.
Proof of these financial means can be provided through the admission agreement/relevant contract. If a contract of employment is planned, proof of the statutory minimum wage of 1,655 Euro must be provided.
When submitting an application, proof must be provided of financial means for the entire duration of the stay.
In the case of financing in the form of a blocked account: Open the blocked account in good time before you apply for a visa.
When applying for a visa, only the official confirmation of the opening of the account including information on the amount paid in and the amount available per month will be accepted.
A confirmation, that does not include this information, is not sufficient
Visa for IT specialists with professional experience
Visa for IT specialists with professional experience (Section 19c para 2 Residence Act)
As an IT specialist with significant professional experience (at least 3 years professional experience in the last 7 years), you can be issued with a residence permit to engage in skilled employment in jobs in the field of information and communications technology even without completing a university degree or vocational qualification if the gross annual wage is at least 51,120 Euro.
As a rule, proof of German language skills at B1 level are required but exceptions can be made in duly substantiated cases.
The following documents are to be submitted:
- Declaration of employment as an IT specialist - signed by your employer
- Proof of professional experience in the IT sphere (at least three years in the last seven
- years) (original and two (2) copies)
- Proof of relevant theoretical knowledge (training courses or examinations)
- Proof of housing in Germany
- Proof of adequate health insurance cover
Visa for doctorate students
Foreign students who have been accepted at a German university for a doctorate or a doctorate program on a full-time basis can apply for a visa for doctorate students in Germany.
If the doctorate is being completed as part of a contract of employment or a research agreement with a German university or research institute, you can apply for a visa for a research stay.
During your studies, you can take up student jobs to help cover your expenses.
Upon completing your studies, you will have the opportunity to look for a job in Germany.