Certificate of Inheritance (Erbschein)
english > German inheritance law in English
Proceedings for the issue of a Certificate of Inheritance (Erbschein, europäisches Nachlasszeugnis)
German Certificate of Inheritance (Erbschein)
The Certificate of Inheritance is issued by the Probate Court (Nachlassgericht - or in Baden-Württemberg, up to the end of 2017: by the notary's office) and decides who is the heir, the extent of his or her right of inheritance and, where applicable, may also stipulate subsequent succession or the execution of the will.
The Probate Court issues the inheritance certificate on request.
The applicant must demonstrate that the details required by law are all accurate or provide a statutory declaration to show that there are no grounds to doubt the accuracy of the details.
The applicant can make a statutory declaration by appearing before a notary or a court, unless the law of the federal state concerned stipulates that only notaries are competent to deal with this matter.
Issue of a European Certificate of Succession (europäisches Nachlasszeugnis):
International Probate Administration Law (Internationale Erbrechtsverfahrensgesetz, IntErbRVG) sets out the procedures for the European Certificate of Succession.
The European Certificate of Succession is a certificate of inheritance that is valid in almost all European Union countries (with the exception of Ireland and Denmark).
It is also issued at the request of the probate court in the form of a notarized copy with a restricted validity period.
The main aim of the certificate is to simplify the settlement of estates within the EU.
Dr. Wolfgang Buestedde, as as specialized lawyer in the field of succession (Fachanwalt für Erbrecht), is ready to help you handling the application for the request of an inheritance certificate.

What are the documents and/or information usually required for the purposes of registration of immovable property?
It is necessary to submit an application for the rectification of the land register along with evidence to show that it is incorrect so that the heir of a property owner can be entered in the land registry as the owner.
In order to apply for a rectification of the land registry following the death of the registered owner, the applicant must first have proof of his status as an heir.
As a basis for having the land register rectified, the applicant in such cases can prove his status as an heir by presenting a Certificate of Inheritance (Erbschein) or European Certificate of Succession (europäisches Nachlasszeugnis).
If succession is based on a disposition mortis causa set out in a public document (a notarial will or contract of inheritance), it is
sufficient to present the land registry office (Grundbuchamt) with the disposition and the official record of its opening (Protokoll der Eröffnung "Eröffnungsniederschrift).
If an item of immovable property is bequeathed, a notarial deed has always to be presented to effect the transfer of the property to the legatee regardless of which rules of succession are applicable.
This notarial deed must show that the legatee is entitled to take ownership of the immovable property.
Sometimes there is no need to apply for a costly certificate of inheritance, if the property will be transferred with a certified power of attorney (beglaugibte (Vorsorge-)vollmacht.