residence visa - Familienzusammenführung

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residence visa

english > German Aliens Law in English
Residence titles - long stay visa
First-time entry  into the country generally requires a visa for the Federal Republic of Germany (national visa), which then may be converted into a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) or a settlement permit in Germany.
Authorities grantin the visa or permit are the Germany Embassey or the Aliens Authority  (Ausländerbehörde) in Germany.
A limited residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) is issued for the specific residence purposes listed in the Act: education  or training, gainful employment, international-law, humanitarian,  political or family grounds, au pair.
An unlimited settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) may be issued if an alien has been in possesion of a residence permit for five years and  fulfils additional requirements (secure income, no criminal record,  adequate command of the German language, etc.).
When family members immigrate to join  an alien, the alien must be in possession of a settlement permit or  residence permit and adequate living space.
Depending on the status of the alien further requirements might be needed.
In the case of the subsequent immigration of children, the age limit of 16 years has to be observed:
Young people between the ages  of 16 and 18 may be granted a residence title in cases of hardship or on  the basis of a positive integration prognosis.
Children under the age of 16 shall have the right to immigrate to join a parent with sole custody in Germany.
The age limit for children rises upto 21, if the europen rights on free movement can be applied.
Rechtsanwalt Dr .Wolfgang Buerstedde
Rathausstr. 16
53332 Bornheim-Roisdorf

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Fax: + 49 (0) 02222 - 931182

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