lawyers fee
The legal advice of attorney Dr. Wolfgang Buerstedde is not free.
For the representation before the authoritys or courts a fee agreement is the rule.
Hourly Rates
Here, Dr. Wolfgang Buerstedde gets paid an agreed-upon hourly rate for time spent working on all aspects of a client's case until it is resolved.
Me fees amount to 220 Euro net per hour (261,80 Euro including 19 % - German value added tax VAT -Umsatzstuer).
Legal advice to persons in thrid states will not neet to pay for VAT.
Consulting via the Hotline
Consultations via my hotline Tel. 0900 10 40 80 1 are possible for 3 Euro per minute from the German fixed network (no mobile phone).
Otherwise legal consultation via phone is also possible for 50 Euro.
First consultation (Erstberatung)
If the client is a consumer, the maximum respective fee for advisory services or for the preparation of a written report shall not exceed 250 Euro, the fee for a first consultation shall not exceed 190 Euro (net), section 34 RVG.
Flat Fee
For the representation berfore authorites (not courts), i.e. immigration office / embassey concerning visa, permits and application for German cititzenship Dr. Wolfgang Buerstedde offers a flat fee 1.200 Euro. The flat fee might not include expenses such as filing fees.
In such cases an advance of usually of 600 Euro is necessary.
In case of represtation before courts the fee are regulatet according to the RVG and the value of the lawsuit - in the court proceding - (before the civil or adminstrative court).
Via agreement the minium of the value before court cases will amout to 40.000 Euro.
If you are not able to afford my fees, you may apply for a "Beratungshilfeschein" at your local Amtsgericht in Germany.
Please write Dr. Wolfgang Buerstedde an email, to clear questions respective his fees.